Tuesday, July 31, 2012

15 Weeks Today!

15 Weeks Today!
Man oh man am I craving tuna pasta salad.  I think I'm going to opt for salmon pasta salad instead though as there seems to be some debate about how good canned tuna is for pregnant women.  

How far along? 15 weeks
Baby's size?  Orange
Total weight gain:  1 pound
Maternity clothes? Belly bands and a couple pairs of maternity pants are in my rotation now
Sleep: I wake up A LOT so not too amazing
Best moment this past week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat yesterday!
Miss Anything? Barternua Moscato on these hot summer days
Movement: Yep, flutters, like goldfish fins brushing your hand
Food cravings: Soup!  All kinds it seems, it just needs to delicious!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I can eat all of my usual foods again, but I still can't eat much candy which is probably a good thing!
Labor Signs:  nope
Gender Prediction: I think girl, Damien thinks boy.  I might just be contrary at this point.  I'm not having a strong feeling either way.
Not too many symptoms right now, but the metallic taste in my mouth has returned with quite a fierceness the past few days
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy the majority of the time!  I'm not seeing a huge change in my mood from pre-pregnancy.  Maybe I just can't see it though...hahaha, maybe I'll ask Damien!

Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery!

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Day of Remembrance and New Adventures

As with all July 30, I find my thoughts turning to my brother Freddy, who passed quite suddenly five years ago today.  Sometimes the pain of his loss is so sharp that it steals my breath.  Yes, time does indeed heal, but nothing ever erase the dullness that will always remain or the frustration from the ultimately fruitless question, what could have been.  Freddy passed exactly one month after my wedding and the last pictures I have of him were taken at the rehearsal dinner and the wedding.  Here is one of my favorite from the rehearsal dinner.

Gone for now and certainly not forgotten.


14 weeks, 6 days
Great appointment today at the OB!  No ultrasound, but I did hear my darling baby's heartbeat today.  The rate of 146.  The nurse warned me that she might not be able to find it immediately, so not to freak out, but she found it immediately.  She seemed amused and said that we certainly don't seem to have a shy baby.  Yet another bit of information that convinces Damien that we are having a boy!

My next appointment is four weeks from tomorrow on August 28th when I go in for my anatomy scan where our darling will be thoroughly checked and we'll find out if we're having a boy or a girl.  Just about everybody I have spoken with says that they had dreams of the sex of their babies, but I must admit that I haven't had any such dreams.  Or if I have, I don't really remember them! 

My insatiable craving for soup continues and the chicken and wild rice soup that I made yesterday really hit the spot!  I picked up several soup cookbooks from the library to get some ideas.  I'm thinking that I'll make a new soup every week or so.  One thing is for sure, I certainly won't be making anymore creamy soups.  I really like the brothy soups.  (See, I told you that I was obsessed with soup!)  Yummy!

I'm off to do some knitting and watch the Olympics.  Who knew that Damien and I would be such an Olympic watching family.  This will do well to tide me over until football starts in a month or so.
Tonight's knitting project is a continuation of the mitered square, fingering weight project that I started on Saturday using Kauni effecktgarn, colorway EX yarn from that fabulous yarn store we found during our leisurely trek back from New Hampshire.  The store was called The Woolery and it was just a delightful store.  Here is my current progress.  It doesn't look like much now, but it will!